A detail of one of the fully illustrated tablescapes with plates of food and festive holiday place settings, showing food illustration, lettering, and composition.
Holiday Tablescape and Recipe Artwork Illustrations for Holiday Marketing Campaign
The Brief: To create three detailed tablescapes incorporating seafood recipes and one recipe design with illustrated elements for a business-to-consumer seafood subscription company to distribute via a PDF and social media to their consumers
Role: Illustrator and lettering artist responsible for all research and illustration.
Tools Used: Procreate app, iPad Pro, Apple pencil, and Photoshop
As a holiday advertising campaign and thank you for their consumers, this seafood company wanted to create a PDF to distribute to members, and a social campaign to market their product for the holidays. The PDF contained three detailed full-page tablescapes that incorporated recipes using the company's products along with festive holiday elements. Each section of the PDF contained three recipes, all using hand-drawn titles and ingredients in the design. The company provided the recipes and recipe titles while I did the research and look of the illustrations. Please note that for this version shown here, the company-provided text has been stripped to show the illustration work with my own text and information to protect the company's IP.

A detail image showing all three tablescape illustrations with lettering titles and food illustration, as well as the recipe page design and illustrated recipe elements.

A detail of the tablescape and recipe page, showing these pages in printed magazine form.

A detail of the dinner for two tablescape illustration, showing this food illustrated printed out and highlighting the lettering of the title and recipe names, as well as the recipe plate illustrations.

A detail of the party tablescape illustration, showing this food illustrated printed out and highlighting the lettering of the title and recipe names, as well as the recipe plate illustrations.

A detail of the family dinner tablescape illustration, showing this food illustrated printed out and highlighting the lettering of the title and recipe names, as well as the recipe plate illustrations.

A detail of one of the recipe pages, showing the design of the recipe, illustrated lettering for the recipe title, and illustrated ingredients combined with the photo for the dish.

A fun montage of some pages from this seafood holiday recipe PDF printed out...
Do you need something like this created for your own business? I am happy to create custom artwork to suit your business, please reach out to discuss. Thanks for checking out my work! ;o)
See more of my work at www.jenniferhines.design.