Three cute food pun greeting card images from my holiday food pun illustration series created to build up my holiday card collection.
Holiday Food Pun Greeting Card Series
The Brief: To create a holiday "advent" illustration series incorporating food, pun, and the holidays
Role: Graphic designer and illustrator responsible for concept, design, and implementation of all lettering and illustration.
Tools Used: Procreate app, iPad Pro, Apple pencil.
For Christmas 2020, I thought it would be a fun challenge to create 25 holiday images, all incorporating my two favorite things: food and puns. I created 25 cute holiday food pun illustrations to showcase my illustration skills, create new food illustrations, and have a fun collection of Christmas and holiday greeting cards. I also animated each one, so when posted to Instagram each day in December 2020, the animated gif was shown along with the static image. A super fun personal project!

The entire series of 25 holiday food pun illustrations, static images.

A few favorite food pun illustrations from my holiday pun illustration project.
Thanks for checking out my work! ;o)
See more of my work at www.jenniferhines.design.