Final recipe illustration for Braised Spiced Chickpeas.
Braised Spiced Chickpeas Super Food Recipe Illustration
The Brief: To create a recipe incorporating super foods in some way in the size and format for the They Draw & Cook website and publications.
Role: Graphic designer and illustrator responsible for concept, design, and implementation of all lettering and illustration.
Tools Used: Procreate app, iPad Pro, Apple pencil.
The They Draw & Cook website put forth a project to create a recipe or image with some super foods for a recent campaign. I found a tasty recipe for braised chickpeas that had a bunch of super foods, including chick peas, sweet potatoes, chard, and cous cous. I liked this recipe because it had so many super foods, so I focused on each super food's benefits in the illustration. The final illustration can be found on the They Draw & Cook website (link below).

Inspiration and process shots of work in progress.

Initial sketch to plan out the recipe illustration.

Beginning to fill in the center recipe image and ingredient illustrations, work in progress photo.

Detail process shot of lettering getting started...

Detail of left side of the final recipe.

Detail of middle of the illustrated recipe, of the stew.

Final recipe illustration on the They Draw & Cook website
See this recipe live and give it a like or add to your favorite recipes here: https://www.theydrawandcook.com/illustrations/13005-braised-spiced-chickpeas-with-chard-and-sweet-potatoes
Thanks for checking out my work! ;o)
See more of my work at www.jenniferhines.design.