All twelve final food lettering illustrations from the series, Why Not Healthy.
Why Not Healthy Food Lettering Illustrations
"Why Not Healthy" lettering series on excuses why I don't always make the healthy choice. I love food, and both cooking and eating out, but I also have so many excuses on why I don't want to cook or eat a healthy veg-filled meal and instead go out for junk food. This lettering series is a way to get all my excuses out, and provide solutions as to why this excuse does not mean I have to eat food that isn't good for me and makes me feel horrible! All illustrations were hand-drawn in Procreate on an iPad with an Apple pencil.

Sketches and process shots...

Final food lettering illustration, There's Nothing Fresh In The House to Eat.

Final food lettering illustration, The Chop Chop Chop Sounds Dull Dull Dull.

Final food lettering illustration, I Want to Try That Cool Restaurant in our Hood.

Final food lettering illustration, I'm in the Mood for Comfort Food.

Final food lettering illustration, I Always Cook the Same Ol' Thing.

Final food lettering illustration, I'm Hungry Now, Delivery Will Be Faster.

Final food lettering illustration, I Don't Feel Like Eating What's In The Fridge.

Final food lettering illustration, I Have No Energy to Cook a Healthy Meal.

Final food lettering illustration, I Have No Flippin' Idea What to Cook.

Final food lettering illustration, The Restaurant Can Make It Better Than I Can.

Final food lettering illustration, But We Should Really Eat at Home.

Final food lettering illustration, That Sounds Too Hard to Cook.
Thanks for checking out my work! ;o)
See more of my work at www.jenniferhines.design.